An organized Linen closet is just folds away

I bet you can’t even count how many linen closets you’ve seen stuffed with wild 70’s sheets; Barney sheets the kids once thought were cool, and now won’t be caught dead in; and those lonelies that lost their mate and nobody uses. It’s like opening the door to a bad party; you grab the first friend you see and run for dear life.

But have you ever opened the door to a linen closet that takes your breath away, it’s so organized? No fear, just pure satisfaction!

The great thing is, it’s quite manageable and only takes a couple hours.Here’s where to start:   Take all linens out of the closet. Only keep a maximum of two sheets per bed. If you lack storage space, keep only one set per bed. For all other linens, have 2-3 per household member and a couple for guests,Too many linens only creates chaos in the Laundry room. when folding your linens I like to keep no seams showing. check out Martha Stewart in action.

To keep sheets organized, keep sets together. There’s two ways to do this:

1.Neatly fold the fitted sheet, flat sheet, and one pillow case and place them inside the remaining pillowcase. When it’s time to change the bed, just grab the set and away you go. Learning to properly fold is key.

2. Neatly fold the sheets with all seams hidden, stacking the pillow cases on top of the flat sheet, which sits on the fitted sheet.

Blankets unfortunately are space hogs. If you need to contain them use a vacuum sealed bag.
Now while you are going through your items ask yourself what you realistically need. Donate the rest or cut them into rags. Shelters and second hand stores are always in need of linens….as long as they are clean.


Use boxes, baskets, or bins to store similar toiletry items, and be sure to label them. You can use glass or plastic containers with lids to house bars of soap, Q-Tips, etc..

Before: everything is all jammed in, towels are with sheets, and not many items are with the rest of their family.  Hard to find what you’re looking for and hard to put items back in neatly.

crissies linen closet after shot

After: I matched all the sheet sets together and made sure none of the folds were sticking out, this way if someone goes to grab an item they don’t accidentally grab another item out as well. Sheets are together and towels are together. I purchased baskets to fit in the cubbies to hold smaller items: rags, face cloths, etc… Voila in no time at all and without much effort a decluttered and organized linen closet.

Contact Jen today to organize your linen closet!

Keeping it Neat Jen

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